Meet Giovanett Ombler – Asher College Success Story

Giovanett Ombler tried to go to college several times. But every time she enrolled, she ended up quitting. Giovanett has Lupus and her illness was keeping her from graduating. That was until she enrolled at Asher College.

“I tried community college. I tried online college. It didn’t work. It just seemed like every time I wanted to go to college, I would end up ill,” said Ombler. “It would discourage me and I would give up. At one point I said I was never going to go back to school. But this time I didn’t let it get to me and I pushed through.”

Giovanett began Asher College in September 2016 and graduated April 2018 with an Associate’s Degree in Medical Billing and Coding.

Giovanett had been interested in the medical field ever since she participated in a pilot health program at her high school. As part of the program, she worked in medical records and the front desk in a medical office. After high school, Giovanett worked at an ambulance billing company. There she was encouraged by her manager to get a degree in medical billing and coding.

“I love the medical field. As long as you are doing something you love, you will always be willing to learn and always be willing to do it,” said Ombler.

Giovanett chose Asher College because she said the program was inclusive and current.

“You learn everything in the field, not just coding. You learn how the medical field works so if you end up in a different position, you already know how to do it because they taught you,” said Ombler. “And their curriculum is updated with the latest knowledge and systems. Most schools are not updated. Asher makes sure their information and software is up-to-date so when students finish they are not behind but ready to take on what is coming,” she said.

Giovanett said that the first month was tough as she is a mother, an older student going back to school after a long absence, and is dealing with her illness. But she said Asher College staff was supportive and helped her adjust.

“I was able to communicate with staff – my advisor, my instructors, and administration – and let them know what was going on. There were days that I was sick and days that I wanted to quit. I don’t know how many times I called crying or came to school in tears. But when I would talk to Asher staff, especially with student services, they would talk to me and encourage me. They were amazing. Their support helped me pull through. I didn’t have that with the other schools.”

Giovanett also said that Asher’s flexible schedule gave her the flexibility that she needed to succeed.

“At Asher you can create a custom schedule. . That allowed me to focus on my health and my school at the same time. Asher College fit my schedule and fit my needs,” she said. “Asher College was my balance.”

Giovanett succeeded and was even asked to join the student leadership team.

Currently, Giovanett works for a mental health treatment clinic. She began as a patient care coordinator and was recently promoted to Lead Patient Care Coordinator. In her new management position, Giovanett is helping find a replacement for her previous position. She reached out to Asher College to get resumes from their pool of students and graduates.

“I know that anyone who is going to come from Asher College will know exactly what to do and they are going to have ambition and want to work,” she said.

Giovanett is thriving in her position and is even planning to continue her education and pursue a bachelor’s degree to become a mental health counselor.

“It feels amazing. I never thought I would get this far,” said Ombler. “I actually thought that I would start Asher College and end up giving up and quitting. And I didn’t. Asher wouldn’t let me quit. I have never had that much support from a staff. Never.”