Is Career Training Right For You? Take The Free Quiz

career college

Graduate and IT Instructor, Bruce, Embraces the Asher College Community

in Information Technology
April 22, 2015

Bruce Alexander has always loved computers and IT. Before joining the Asher College community, Bruce worked for Hewlett-Packard (HP). He decided to go back to school because he wanted to get a deeper understanding of the “language.” He also needed certifications and a formal skill set to really excel in his career. Bruce chose Asher…

What Career Path Will Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals?

in Goal Setting
April 17, 2015

Do you want to have a successful career? Do you want to join a multi-billion dollar industry?1 A quality career training program can help get you there! Choose a career path that’s in high demand and one that you’ll enjoy. A career in a growing field such as IT, healthcare, or business could potentially bring…

Why Go To a Career College

in career services
April 08, 2015

Do you want to get on the fast track to a new career? With an education from a career college, you could be on your way to a skilled career. A career college, also known as a trade, technical, or vocational school, offers education and training that’s directly related to a specific career path. Here’s…

It’s Never Too Late to Go Back to School

in Goal Setting
March 11, 2015

It’s never too late to follow your dreams! You can get the education you've always wanted, even as an adult. In today’s competitive job market, employers are looking for someone who will stand out from the large pool of applicants. You can get an edge over your competition with quality career training. Here’s why you…

Why Choose a Career College

in News
February 05, 2014

We live in a world of instant gratification. In our personal lives, we have fast food, fast cars, and we get frustrated if we are waiting longer than a few seconds for something to load on our electronic devices. In our professional lives, the world has similar expectations. Our managers, customers and colleagues want quick…

Job Survival or Career Preparation?

in Information Technology
January 18, 2014

Often, working adults who go back to college to get a degree or certification have a chosen field in mind, and postsecondary education provides an entryway to help many achieve their career goals. But all too often, their challenge is in understanding their career options. Of course there should be an end goal whenever one…