Corporate Training

Spotlight on Asher College Instructor Julie Baumgartner – Serving America’s Heroes

For more than two decades, Asher College’s newest instructor has worked to help our nation’s heroes. From her role as a mobilization deployment assistant and a Military OneSource consultant to her volunteer service with multiple military and veteran organizations, Julie Baumgartner has dedicated her life to serving veterans, military personnel, and their families. For the…

Enterprise Training Solutions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [caption id="attachment_4784" align="alignnone" width="815"] Let Asher College help you get your company up to speed with the latest technology[/caption] Get Your Staff New Skills and Important Refreshers With Our Training Programs With Asher College's wide-range of certifiable courses, you can get your staff up-to-date with the latest industry-standard software and best practices. Our courses…

Asher College is Tackling Information Technology Hands-On

Information technology continues to be a high-demand field. As the need for IT professionals grows, so do the options for students seeking a career. So what sets Asher College apart from the rest? Asher College offers students a variety of programs which include industry-valued certificates as well as Associate of Applied Science degrees. Students prepare…

Tips for Job Interview Success

Few things are as nerve-racking as a job interview. Placing yourself in front of another person or persons to be judged and evaluated is stressful at best. But the ultimate reward of a new job or career is worth the pressure. And being adequately prepared can help make the entire process much less painful. ...

Ramp Up Your Professional On-line Presence

Social media can be an invaluable tool when searching for a new job.  According to Jobvite’s 2015 Recruiter National Survey, 94% of recruiters use, or plan to use, social media for their searches and an Aberdeen study found that 73% of 18-34 year olds found their last job through a social network.  However, if not…

Challenges Facing Adult Learners

Walk around any college campus and you will notice a much different environment than several decades ago. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about one-third of all college students are adult learners, or age 25 and older. At Asher College, these students make up about 80 percent of the student population. These “non-traditional”…

Open the Door to an Office Career

Do you want to get out of the summer heat and into a cushy, air-conditioned office job? Asher College’s business programs can help open the door to an office career. Asher provides students with the fundamental skills and hands-on training needed to succeed in a business environment. Students have the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge…

Want to Jump Start Your Career? Asher College Has the Tools For You

Choosing to begin or continue your college education is one of the most important and life-changing decisions you can make. Choosing the right school is equally significant. What sets Asher College apart from the rest is not only the dedication of its staff and faculty to its students while in school, but their determination to…

Top 4 Skills Every Office Administrator Needs to Have

An office environment is the perfect place to kick start your career. In an office, you can network with other professionals, learn how a business operates, and polish your skills. Businesses, large and small, depend on office administrators to keep daily operations running smoothly. Every office administrator needs to have these 4 skills: Organization To…

The Demand of Corporate Career Training in IT

The Rise in Demand of Corporate Career Training in IT   The IT industry is undoubtedly one of the most demanding professional fields that anyone might find himself/herself in. It is usually characterized with never ending shifts in its prevailing trends, while also witnessing constant technological advancements and dramatically alters the approach most firms use…