Thought Patterns

Ramp Up Your Professional On-line Presence

Social media can be an invaluable tool when searching for a new job.  According to Jobvite’s 2015 Recruiter National Survey, 94% of recruiters use, or plan to use, social media for their searches and an Aberdeen study found that 73% of 18-34 year olds found their last job through a social network.  However, if not…

Effective Study Habits for College Students

Studying rarely tops the list of activities students enjoy. In truth, it is one of the aspects of college life people dread. Nevertheless, studying is necessary and effective study habits are one of the most important tools of college success. Below are some important tips to help college students ensure their studying time is productive…

Tips for a Winning Resume

Job recruiters spend less than 10 seconds reading a candidate’s resume, according to recent studies. That is it. Those few seconds could determine whether or not you get a phone call inviting you for an interview or whether your resume gets thrown in the trash. Below are some tips to help your resume make it…

Want to Jump Start Your Career? Asher College Has the Tools For You

Choosing to begin or continue your college education is one of the most important and life-changing decisions you can make. Choosing the right school is equally significant. What sets Asher College apart from the rest is not only the dedication of its staff and faculty to its students while in school, but their determination to…

Be The First in Everything – Career College Advantage

I challenge you to be the best in everything that you do, this is called the first in everything theory. Be the first person to get to school Be the first person to get their hours in Be the first person to get work in Be the first to graduate Be the first to complete…