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Be The First in Everything – Career College Advantage

in Business Administration, career services, Goal Setting, Information Technology, Medical Administration, Thought Patterns
February 14, 2014

I challenge you to be the best in everything that you do, this is called the first in everything theory. Be the first person to get to school Be the first person to get their hours in Be the first person to get work in Be the first to graduate Be the first to complete…

The History of Education – The Story of Career Colleges

in Uncategorized
February 10, 2014

Where were the first schools, and for what reasons did they emerge? Who were the first teachers, and what was their pedagogy? When and where did the first educational philosophies emerge and why? The answers to all of these questions are found in every corner of the globe, dating as far back as 4000 B.C.…

The Path To Your New Career.

in Uncategorized
February 07, 2014

Standing at the beginning of your journey to your new career and looking at the path that lies ahead of you, you might feel overwhelmed by all that you will need to accomplish to achieve your goal?  Remember to take this journey one step at a time. It will help you to focus on the…

Why Choose a Career College

in News
February 05, 2014

We live in a world of instant gratification. In our personal lives, we have fast food, fast cars, and we get frustrated if we are waiting longer than a few seconds for something to load on our electronic devices. In our professional lives, the world has similar expectations. Our managers, customers and colleagues want quick…

Education Opens The Door To Your Future

in career services
January 30, 2014

In pursuing my education there have been ups and downs like any student experience is. Taking 15 years to complete my undergraduate, the school experience was not feeling beneficial as pieces were missing. Staff and faculty perception was careless, classmates did not have the drive to put forth effort and became contagious to myself and…

Job Survival or Career Preparation?

in Information Technology
January 18, 2014

Often, working adults who go back to college to get a degree or certification have a chosen field in mind, and postsecondary education provides an entryway to help many achieve their career goals. But all too often, their challenge is in understanding their career options. Of course there should be an end goal whenever one…