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career services

Women in IT – Be Part of the Future

in career services, computer programs, computer training, Information Technology
November 16, 2016

From the very beginning, women have served an invaluable role in the field of Information Technology. Some of our most important advances have occurred at the hands of women and by teams including women. Why then, are there not more women in IT? According to a study by the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT),…

Tips for Job Interview Success

in career services, Corporate Training, Goal Setting
June 16, 2016

Few things are as nerve-racking as a job interview. Placing yourself in front of another person or persons to be judged and evaluated is stressful at best. But the ultimate reward of a new job or career is worth the pressure. And being adequately prepared can help make the entire process much less painful. ...

Develop a Career Approach for the Summer

in Billing and Coding, Business Administration, career services, computer programs, computer training, health information technology, Information Technology, Medical Administration, Uncategorized
June 07, 2016

Many college semesters are coming to a close, high school students are wrapping up their year and everyone is looking to work full-time. This affects the market more than most will realize this summer. For many, the job search has taken 1-2 years and hearing that the job market is about to be flooded with…

Meet Georgia O’Neal – Asher College Graduate

in Business Administration, career services, Goal Setting, Uncategorized
March 04, 2016

Georgia O'Neal described herself as a negative individual. She said she never smiled, she never laughed and she cried about everything. Now her dad calls her the “positive light in the family.” And at work she is known as “the ray of sunshine.” Georgia credits this change to Asher College. “I'm a very cheerful happy…

Meet Renee Collins – Asher College Graduate

in Billing and Coding, career services, Goal Setting, Medical Administration, Medical Field
February 16, 2016

Renee Collins is an Asher College success story. Renee worked in customer service for more than 20 years. She worked in various fields including medical, telecommunications and the financial sector.  But she wanted to do something different and that led her to Asher College. Renee began attending Asher College in January 2014 and graduated November…

Meet Niki Saunders – Asher College Graduate

in Billing and Coding, career services, Medical Field
February 06, 2016

“If I can do this, anyone can do this.” Those are the words of Asher College success story Niki Saunders. Niki began attending Asher in 2014 and graduated with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Medical Billing and Coding in September 2015. Niki had previously worked in administrative and office positions for various organizations,…

Ramp Up Your Professional On-line Presence

in career services, Corporate Training, Goal Setting, Thought Patterns, Uncategorized
November 21, 2015

Social media can be an invaluable tool when searching for a new job.  According to Jobvite’s 2015 Recruiter National Survey, 94% of recruiters use, or plan to use, social media for their searches and an Aberdeen study found that 73% of 18-34 year olds found their last job through a social network.  However, if not…

Effective Study Habits for College Students

in career services, Goal Setting, Thought Patterns
October 21, 2015

Studying rarely tops the list of activities students enjoy. In truth, it is one of the aspects of college life people dread. Nevertheless, studying is necessary and effective study habits are one of the most important tools of college success. Below are some important tips to help college students ensure their studying time is productive…

Challenges Facing Adult Learners

in career services, Corporate Training, Goal Setting
October 01, 2015

Walk around any college campus and you will notice a much different environment than several decades ago. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, about one-third of all college students are adult learners, or age 25 and older. At Asher College, these students make up about 80 percent of the student population. These “non-traditional”…

Attention Veterans and Active Military: Your Education Awaits

in career services, Goal Setting
September 03, 2015

Veterans who return home after active service can find returning to civilian life difficult. Some struggle with the day-to-day challenges of family life and reacclimating into society. And many find reentering the civilian workforce daunting and even impossible. While the veteran unemployment rate has dropped in recent years to a low of 4.7%, according to…